Osteopathic Manual Therapy (Pansy Jang)


Osteopathy is a safe and effective manual therapy. It was developed in the late 1800’s by Dr. A.T. Still, an American medical doctor who was disillusioned with Western Medicine after 3 of his children died of meningitis. He looked for a safe and effective means to optimize the body’s capacity to heal. He found that by manually removing obstructions in the body, the body had the capacity to heal itself. His belief was that the structure and function of the body are interrelated, and that the human body is capable of producing all the chemicals necessary for health. He was adamantly against the use of pharmaceuticals.

Osteopathy uses very gentle techniques, such as cranial sacral, visceral manipulation, muscle energy, myofascial release, and more, to help restore normal function back to the body.

Osteopathic Manual Therapy is not a registered health modality in Canada yet; however, because of its effectiveness, many insurance plans cover it. An Osteopathic Practitioner is different from an Osteopathic Physician. Osteopathic Practitioners work manually on the body, while Osteopathic Physicians, trained in the United States, are very similar to MDs and are under the auspices of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. There are over 1500 Osteopathic Practitioners in Canada and a handful of Osteopathic Physicians scattered across Canada. To learn more about Osteopathy, check www.osteopathybc.ca.

For an osteopathy appointment contact Pansy Jang at pansyjang@gmail.com or text 604 612-9735